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Tips on Writing Readable Code

Code readability may be defined as the convenience with which the source code is understood and modified. Code readability is of vital importance when maintaining larger legacy codebase and working in teams. If the code is easy to read, it would be easy to debug, refactor, enhance and maintain, thereby reducing the lifecycle cost of software product. As readability directly impacts software quality, researchers have proposed adding a separate phase during development focused on improving code readability. Although, code readability is subjective to human judgement, static analysis tools can provide a fair estimate on various factors impacting readability such as indenting, naming and commenting. As a programmer, follow the tips provided below to create self-documenting software program, which can be understood conveniently by other programmers during it's lifetime.

Impact of AI on Education

Impact of AI on Education

Computer scientists have been exploring the possible applications of AI technology for decades, and a lot of tools and applications we use today include some form of AI. The talk about ethical considerations in AI technology and it's impact on society is as old as the technology itself. Similar to other revolutionary and break-through technologies in the past such as the internet, computers, cars, and smartphones, AI technology has also it's pros and cons. The objective is to make the best use of the technology, while also making regulations and improving it further to minimize the side effects.

The advent of ChatGPT in November, 2022 by OpenAI and Microsoft took us one step closer to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and reignited discussions about how it can impact various segments of our society including education. Some people argue that as people rely more on AI based technologies, it will inhibit their learning. Furthermore, the role of teachers may be diminished as AI can perform tasks like grading, tutoring and content delivery. AI experts say that we need to learn how to use it effectively since the technology is here to stay and we are the ones who control the technology. Let's explore and critically analyze both the potential risks and benefits of AI in education.

While AI has the potential to significantly transform education, whether this transformation is positive or negative depends on how AI is integrated into educational systems.

Potential Benefits of AI in Education

We are lucky to be living in the information age, where new technologies are emerging and evolving rapidly, demanding continuous adaptation by companies and consumers. This significant advancement in information technology is also affecting the education sector, necessitating us to rethink and redefine traditional methods of imparting education. The old school classroom teaching was earlier replaced with online lectures pioneered by leading institutes like MIT and Stanford, and now AI chatbots can deliver information round the clock making it profoundly more personalized, engaging, and user-friendly. With the infusion of AI in education, teachers are now not the custodians of information but the facilitators of the learning process. In modern student-centric classrooms, students can be taught to use the technology effectively instead of using it for entertainment only. Since students have access to an unprecedented wealth of information, the skill to be taught is how to find the relevant information and what information is to be trusted. Following are some of the benefits of integrating AI technologies in education system:

1. AI Tools for Students. AI can provide customized learning experiences tailored to each student's needs, helping them learn at their own pace and style. This can lead to improved learning outcomes and increased student engagement. For example, Quizlet updated its app with a feature called Q-Chat, fully-adaptive AI tutor built on OpenAI's ChatGPT API in conjunction with Quizlet's vast educational content, that tailors material to each user’s needs. The app adjusts the difficulty of the questions according to how well students know the material they’re studying and how they prefer to learn, and Q-Chat provides an experience similar to a one-on-one tutor. Furthermore, AI can generate new types of learning materials, such as interactive simulations or adaptive tests, which can make learning more engaging and effective. These resources can help students better understand complex concepts and retain information longer.

Gradescope for Teachers

AI Assisted Grading with Gradescope

2. AI Tools for Teachers. AI can automate routine tasks like grading, attendance tracking, and scheduling, freeing up teachers to focus more on instruction and student support. Teachers can spend more time on high-impact activities like mentoring and curriculum development. Popular tools like Gradescope and AI for Teachers help in variety of tasks like grading assessments and lesson planning. Furthermore, AI can analyze large datasets to provide insights into student performance, helping educators identify areas where students may need additional support. This allows for more timely interventions and better-informed instructional strategies. 

Risks of AI in Education

A fundamental method of human learning is experience-based or learning by doing, which is a hands-on process allowing learners to gain practical experience in real-time situations or environments. This approach to learning goes in conjunction with knowledge based or theoretical form of learning, which is essential to build concrete foundational concepts of the real world events / objects and develop strong skills with improved productivity, creativity, and innovation. As an example, a musician can best learn music by practically playing an instrument in addition to watching the video on how to play it.

Some educationists argue that with increased dependence on AI based technologies, which are mainly based on virtual means of imparting education, learning may be inhibited as students will find it easy to get information from chatbots instead of gaining practical experiences which may lead to incomplete or inaccurate foundational concepts. The problem is further aggravated if the information generated by AI chatbots is false or misleading a.k.a AI hallucinations. Based on this argument, AI based tools can only augment human education system and may not replace it completely.

NYC Public Schools Banned ChatGPT  

Few of the major worries of employing AI based tools in education include increased likelihood of cheating for students, reduced chances of skill / experience based learning and possible loss of teaching jobs especially beyond high school level. Due to above stated worries, some school systems across the world barred ChatGPT after it's launch in late 2022. Following are some of the risks of integrating AI technologies in education system:

1. Loss of Human Interaction. AI-driven tools and platforms might reduce the amount of direct human interaction in education, which is crucial for developing social and emotional skills. Over-reliance on AI could lead to a more isolated learning experience, potentially stunting the development of critical soft skills like empathy, collaboration, and communication.

2. Widening Educational Inequality. AI tools often require access to technology and the internet, which could exacerbate existing inequalities if some students are unable to access these resources. Students in underprivileged areas may fall further behind if they cannot leverage AI tools that their peers are using.

3. Devaluation of Teaching Profession. As AI takes over tasks like grading, tutoring, and even content delivery, there is a concern that the role of teachers could be diminished. This could lead to a loss of job satisfaction among educators and might discourage people from entering the profession.

4. Data Privacy and Ethical Concerns. The use of AI in education involves the collection and analysis of large amounts of data, raising concerns about student privacy and the potential misuse of data. If not properly managed, this could lead to breaches of privacy and ethical violations, undermining trust in educational institutions.

5. Over-Reliance on AI for Learning. Students might become too dependent on AI tools for learning and problem-solving, which could hinder their ability to think critically and independently. This could result in a generation of learners who struggle to solve problems without technological assistance.

Analysis and Way Forward

Instead of blaming and subsequently banning the AI technology due to it's few downsides, we should explore its best use cases and possible implementations. Since the technology is here to stay, educationists and teachers should take the lead role to to find ways to use the technology for the benefit of students / learners while being aware of its potential downsides. Teachers should not abstain from AI technologies due to fear of losing jobs, the technology can augment their skills instead of completely replacing them.

It is the time to acknowledge that teaching the traditional ways is outdated now in the age of AI. We should embrace the change / transformation in technology with open arms and modify old teaching methods, curriculum, evaluation system and learning goals. Since we know that ChatGPT makes it convenient for students to cheat on writing assignments, we can ask students to critically review and analyze the output of ChatGPT, hence stimulating critical thinking and creativity amongst the students. Students can be taught to design meaningful and effective input prompts for LLM based AI tools and chatbots may be used for interactive discussions with students to facilitate learning based on argument harvesting. In parallel, AI technology may be improved to minimize the negatives, for example, now there are tools which can detect AI generated content / output.


When it comes to fundamental research and scientific experiments, it is often not clear beforehand what the added value of it might be. And some people that don’t immediately see the added value right away, might be sceptic and might dismiss great discoveries as nonsense. But one thing is clear: without this kind of research, there would have been no electricity, no planes, no cars and no computers.

AI itself is not likely to "destroy" education, but its impact will depend on how it is implemented and managed. If used thoughtfully, AI has the potential to enhance and enrich education. However, if misused or over-relied upon, it could lead to negative consequences. The key will be to balance the use of AI with human-centered approaches, ensuring that technology serves as a tool to support, rather than replace, the essential human elements of education.
