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Showing posts from September, 2024

Tips on Writing Readable Code

Code readability may be defined as the convenience with which the source code is understood and modified. Code readability is of vital importance when maintaining larger legacy codebase and working in teams. If the code is easy to read, it would be easy to debug, refactor, enhance and maintain, thereby reducing the lifecycle cost of software product. As readability directly impacts software quality, researchers have proposed adding a separate phase during development focused on improving code readability. Although, code readability is subjective to human judgement, static analysis tools can provide a fair estimate on various factors impacting readability such as indenting, naming and commenting. As a programmer, follow the tips provided below to create self-documenting software program, which can be understood conveniently by other programmers during it's lifetime.

Impact of AI on Education

Computer scientists have been exploring the possible applications of AI technology for decades, and a lot of tools and applications we use today include some form of AI. The talk about ethical considerations in AI technology and it's impact on society is as old as the technology itself . Similar to other revolutionary and break-through technologies in the past such as the internet, computers, cars, and smartphones, AI technology has also it's pros and cons. The objective is to make the best use of the technology, while also making regulations and improving it further to minimize the side effects. The advent of ChatGPT in November, 2022 by OpenAI and Microsoft took us one step closer to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)  and reignited discussions about how it can impact various segments of our society including education . Some people argue that as people rely more on AI based technologies, it will inhibit their learning. Furthermore, the role of teachers may be diminished a